I usually wake up around 6am… and as soon as my alarm goes off, I plant my feet on the floor and get up – resisting the temptation to hit snooze (most days!). My morning starts with a walk with my dog to soak up some natural light and regulate my circadian rhythm or a gym session. After that, it’s all about getting the kids ready for school.
Breakfast always has to include… a source of protein and healthy fats. Usually, that’s eggs, veg and avocado. You won’t find any sugary cereals in my kitchen; I prefer to keep my energy levels steady throughout the day rather than crash and burn, and I’m keen on making sure that’s the case with my children too.
The biggest wellness lesson I’ve learned is… that you can’t out-exercise or out-supplement a bad lifestyle. I know this first hand, having tried every diet and supplement under the sun to manage my hormones and still feeling at a low ebb. Lifestyle medicine is the process of looking at how we can reverse, prevent and treat long-term health conditions using lifestyle factors as a first-line approach. Many people plaster over their health issues rather than treat the root cause but changing your lifestyle can pave the way for better long-term health. For me, prioritising sleep, managing stress, exercising the right way and fuelling my body with real, nourishing foods are non-negotiables.
I wish more women knew that… ‘eat less, move more’ isn’t always the solution. Your hormones, menstrual cycle and stress levels all play a huge role in your overall health. If your body is stuck in survival mode, it won’t prioritise things like sustained energy and mental clarity. The key is to work with your body and the messages it’s giving you, not against it.
Strength training has become hugely important in my life… especially as I’ve gone through my 40s. It’s great for aiding metabolic health. I also walk regularly. Sadly, I’ve never been a runner; every time I’ve tried to run, it’s been more of a polite shuffle.
Stress management has been a real journey… Stress used to really impact my health – I’ve burnt out umpteen times. Now, I say no to things that drain my energy and don’t serve me in the right way. When I am feeling stressed, I go for a walk and whack on my favourite playlist. Magnesium has also become my best friend. I take it daily to help control the chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) in my brain.
After a busy day, I try to make things simple… I cook with some music on and put my phone out of sight. I lower the lighting, air any concerns I have so they are no longer front of my mind and drink herbal tea to send signals to my brain that it’s time to relax.
As humans, we spend around a third of our lives asleep… so it’s important to ask yourself: “Do I spend enough time investing in having a high-quality sleep cycle each night?” I prefer to eat dinner early, forgo late-night snacks, read before bed and aim to turn lights out at a decent time. My Oura ring prompts me to keep good habits and my data suggests that sleeping in a cool room, having blackout curtains and using blue light blockers really does work.